Trusting God in our Money Journey

Trusting God in our Money Journey

Trusting God is a journey of faith

Hello Beautiful!

We each have an area, or areas in our lives that God may choose to use to develop our faith, and build our trust.  Trusting God with our lives requires us to exercise our faith muscles.  These areas could be in our health, marriage, with our children, work, and interpersonal.  There could be seasons in our lives that prove to be challenging and difficult.  God wants us to trust Him in all things, because He cares for every detail of our lives.

Trusting God when it’s difficult

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I’ve been on this money journey to building wealth, nor is it an accident that I have a passion for personal finance.  My greatest struggles and challenges in life have been with my money:  Growing up with lack, the 1st half of my life being defined by struggle, and the financial bondage that once imprisoned me.  Whew!  Thank you Abba for setting me free.

Even with all of the evidence of God’s provision in my life, there have been times when I was still afraid.  I can look back over decades of my life, and time after time, my Abba has NEVER let me down.  My finances are my proving-ground.  I am still growing in my faith, always a new level, and learning to trust Him more.  He has shown me so much mercy; He has cleaned up my mess, and salvaged my mistakes.  One of the true purpose of my money journey to building wealth is about continuously growing in my faith, and learning to trust God more.

Allow me to share my Jesus and the Teddybear story.  I shared this story a few months ago on my personal social media page, so you may have already heard it.

This photo challenges and touches my heart:

My story of Trusting God when I was scared

In 2016 God spoke to my heart and told me that my season had come to an end at my employment; I loved my job (especially the money and benefits 🤪). I pleaded with God, and asked Him for grace to do another 1 1/2 years so that I could leave with 20 years and take early retirement at 55. He granted me grace.

In 2018 literally on my 55th birthday, I turned in my keys and walked away. I hadn’t gotten to “where I wanted to be.”

I was scared!😬

But I was determined to trust God!🙏🏽

We have to get to that place where we can trust Him like a child, on blind faith. And no, I don’t have this perfected.🥰

Well, God showed up, and showed out!!!🙌🏽

I have much more than what I gave up (more – financially, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and time) and both of my children have replaced me at my beloved employment (they better make me proud).

The move I made is not for everybody, but God calls all of His children to trust Him completely in some area of their lives.

Trusing God with my future

As I am embracing this next chapter in my life, I am challenged to trust God even more. Every step of my journey is one of faith.   I hold my Abba’s hand, and keep taking each step forward in spite of how I may feel.  I know I am building my faith muscles, and trusting Him more each day.  My Abba is my constant companion on my money journey to building wealth.

What area of your life is God using to develop your faith, and build your trust?  Allow God to be part of your journey.  Make every step about hope, faith, and trust.

Trust Him. He will never let you down! I don’t promise; He promises.

Embrace your journey

Your sister
